
The Claims Adjuster’s Evaluation of Your Personal Injury Claim

If you have been injured in an accident, you may think you are entitled to a hefty settlement from the insurance company. However, insurance companies look at every claim closely for signs that your injury claims might not be entirely truthful. AFloridapersonal injury attorney can help you prepare your insurance claim to avoid these signs.

One common sign is if there is a long time lag between your accident and the report of your injury. This may seem trivial to you, but the claims adjuster will think it’s extremely relevant. The longer the time between your accident and when you first reported the injury, the more skeptical the adjuster will be. It will look suspicious if you denied any injuries at the scene of the accident but showed up at an emergency room three days later.

The medical records and history of your first medical caregiver after the accident will be scrutinized. If your medical history makes no mention of the accident or attributes your injury to a pre-existing condition, expect the adjuster to make some noise about your claim.

Additionally, if you have a lengthy history of prior insurance claims, you may be deemed a “professional claimant,” and the insurer will not be inclined to handle your claim quickly. If your history is long enough, the insurer may even go so far as to use its anti-fraud unit to arrange surveillance on you.

If you have further questions about insurance claims, contact experienced Florida personal injury attorney John Fagan for a free consultation.

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